3 Questions No One Asks About Commercial LED Lighting

There are many reasons why building and facility managers, as well as CFOs, would start considering commercial LED lighting for their workspace. Energy costs make up about 80% of the cost of traditional lighting, so it makes sense that reducing energy consumption is a top priority for most managers.

When trying to reduce energy costs, commercial LED lighting is an obvious pick because the financial math is straightforward. They’ll gain financial benefits by lowering wattage as a result of moving to energy efficient LED office lighting. But transitioning to LED lighting for an entire facility isn’t as simple as just picking up some bulbs and screwing them in.

When looking at upgrading your lighting in your facility, there are some very important questions to ask your potential lighting partner. Often times, simple questions are the most important and usually forgotten in the purchasing process. Here are three of the most common questions we don’t hear companies ask when considering commercial LED lighting.

What Are The Goals of Our Commercial LED Lighting Upgrade?

While energy savings or reduced re-lamping might be the impetus for an upgrade, laying out all the desired benefits may lead to a different solution. Lighting upgrades could improve many facets of your business.

  • The lighting quality

  • Increase the effectiveness of the light

  • Improve sales

  • Increase safety

  • Improve flexibility and controllability

  • Justify rent increases

  • Provide marketing opportunities for branding

  • Provide maintenance feedback data

  • Abide new codes and local laws

You need to identify your goals for switching to commercial LED lighting in order for suppliers and lighting companies to help their customers be successful. Goals will look different for different needs. In evaluating lighting products and providers for your fit, you need to have a firm understanding of what the goals are.

What Are The Potential Cost Savings Switching to LEDs?

Operating budget is another major factor to consider when evaluating commercial LED. If your company is operating a tight budget, you may consider retrofitting to LEDs for the long term savings. You may also be able to justify the cost of LED simply by the high cost to change bulbs if you need to rent special equipment.

So how does LED stack up when it comes to your operating budget? It depends. Is energy cost a part of your operating budget? If so, you may be able to fund a retrofit with the energy savings you capture. That said, if your operating budget only includes labor and materials, you may need to consider a slower transition to LED.

What Does Future LED Lighting Maintenance Look Like?

In some commercial industries, lights can be difficult to change, because they are in hard-to-reach places, such as high ceilings or cove light installations. By using a long-lasting LED light solution, you cut back on how often lights need to be changed, saving a lot of time and money.

With continuing innovations in LED light technology, you are getting a better quality of light and more flexibility. And if you’re retrofitting from scratch, you can put the lights exactly where you need them. Retailers, restaurants, entertainment venues, parking lots, and many more buildings are the beneficiaries of these improved LED lighting options.

Trust Telamon Energy Solutions for Your Commercial LED Lighting Project

If you want to learn more about the advantages of using LED lighting in your commercial building design, or to get an estimate for LED lighting installation, contact the experts at Telamon Energy Solutions.

Request a free energy assessment for new LED lighting at your commercial property today.